Is there any possibility of using shields and Flintlock Pistols together? As far as I see, shields forbid me from using weapons with threat range +1 or more but the Rulebook is ambiguous about the semantic of Threat ranges, using +1, +2 etc. sometimes and 1, 2 etc. the other times. Is there a difference or is it the same and if so, can I circumvent the restriction with traits? My Goal would be to create a unit carrying a Shield in one hand and a Flintlock pistol in the other.
Thank you for the answers.
At page 116 section Shields: "[...] Shields may only provide a Defection bonus to the combat situation when they are equipped with a melee weapon"
Does it means that Pistol count as melee weapon for the purpose of gaining deflection bonus from the shield?
Does the absence of melee weapon prevent model from gaining deflection bonus from shield at any Combat Situation, or just in Melee Combat Situation?
I try to build unit like Genoese crossbowmens, but does not understand, if a model have common crossbow (6pts), and common shield (4pts), does such model receive passive deflection bonus 1 in Ranged Combat Situation after shooting crossbow? Or a model should have any melee weapon for receive passive deflection bonus in such situation? Or if a model use common crossbow it have to not use shield until next activation?