This seems like a really bad way to do thrown weapons. I'm not talking about upgrading a weapon to throw, you throw your club/sword/hatchet yea your SOL. However I bring a unit into battle with a quiver full of throwing javelins and I lose them all with one toss? What about Bows? How come they never run out of arrows in their quivers? Slings, not every rock can be used in a sling yet they get a +1 to their strength when they chuck their ammo and don't run out? Heck, bows even use their users attacks and cost the same points as javelins. I get the idea that you cant bring as many throwing weapons (axes, javelins, ect) but only 1 shot per game? And no real upside other then overpaying for a primitive weapon in combat? AND If I do throw my spear I'm SOL for any type of melee combat? I dunno maybe I'm just salty that my idea of a cheap unit of spear throwers (see Warcraft: Orcs & Humans orc spear throwers for reference) is completely out the window but the idea of a specific ranged weapon has only 1 shot per game and punishes you for doing so seems like a really bad balancing decision.
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Thats a solid argument for gameplay. Something we can look into. In general through testing players were carrying a single javelin or spear and then a second weapon.