is weapon forges suppose to be a class trait or a faction trait?, can only 1 class have weapon forges and you are unable to give the same trait to other classes ( talking about the trait not the ability)?
so if i took weapon forge polearm, not matter what I I can only have polearm as weapon forges,
1 class couldnt have weapon forge polarm
and a different class have weapon forge medium armor
and so on.

from what I saw from what you posted, that's right, it is a class trait and only one class can have it, but nothing prevents it from having another trait of armory (for example, polearm and medium armor) and picking up weapon forges again (from the same branch) to provide the item to another faction class. Also realize that she can have access to several armory (if she has trait for everything), weapon forges only limits how many classes can have access to these items.
Ok I was thinking of giving weapon forges to all classes so everything has access to something different and can give it to another class.
But if I understand then a class with weapon forges couldn't benefit from another class weapon