Im trying to figure out if i need to take traits that have size increases to have models that are larger then 25-32mm.
I may not be reading the core rules pg9 about it right. by the way im reading it, it sounds like as long as the miniature needs a base of a certain size then its considered that size.
Ideally yes, but if you only had XLarge rules you most likely be good. If you were playing in a tournament or event the guidelines would most likely be followed to provide a standard. The goal is to have fun and huge model rules are worth getting to.
Here is an example: When creating a faction one playtester's model he wanted to use was a little larger than the rules for it when he created the faction. He just really needed to get one additional trait which could be taken later as he got a few games in. In the meantime the miniature was just that cool and no one even cared as he played the games using it.
The overlap in miniature sizes is there on purpose so as to not restrict gameplay based on the miniatures.
A huge miniature though ideally would be a huge model. Its a good guideline but really its most important that you and your opponent are on the same page when playing a game. Test it out have fun.
ok so If i have a model that Base scales has huge o my miniature scaler I should take traits to get it to huge?
this is the first wargame that Im getting into because i liked the sound of the rules with the ability to make my own faction so my experiance is limited and I dont have many people to talk to about it.
Guidelines for model size are just that guidelines. Medium Size miniatures have a wide range from 25mm-40mm.
The rules on pg 9 are there to set some sort of scale "for rules" if something is outside of that, it would be important to talk to your opponent to be clear. Threat ranges are the biggest consideration for melee combat that will come up the most.
Within reason is the most important part, and the base sizes are very flexible for most miniature ranges which is why there is a wide range listed for them.
I think the most it has come up in all of our playtesting is asking "What size is that is that guy?"
We tried hard to open up the base sizes. I know during playtesting the range was much more narrow, but we felt it excluded too much.