Seriously though xD Under the "Mount" ability (1st age page 169) it mentions when the model is taken as a mount, you use the rider's discipline to determine how many may be in the squad. So if I have a Rider squad with discipline 3, consisting of three Rider models (let's say this is the limit for the current game size). Could I bring a model with Mount for each Rider, because I can bring 1 for each point of discipline in the squad? Does that mean models with the Mount ability taken as mounts at the start of a game are treated like equipment, similar to war animals/warmounts? If that is true, do they leave the battlefield when the rider is killed? To give another example, take the following models:

Assuming a game size where you may take level 2 classes at squad size Discipline x1;
Can I take a squad of three Cataphracts, each mounted on a Dunecrawler? Or would I have to devide the squad capacity between them, so 1 cataphract & two crawlers, or 2 cataphracts & one crawler?
And if the cataphract riding a dunecrawler is murdered, is the crawler removed from the table like other mounts?
Mounts taken as equipment go away when they die only because they are equipment. If a class has mount they can take a rider but don’t go anywhere