It was mentioned before on these forums that you gain access to the unlocked Branch from Forbidden Lore immediately, even during faction creation.
If I am creating a faction and I take forbidden lore with one of my classes, how many traits can I take as faction traits from the now unlocked branch/sphere/etc?
For example: as a humanoid faction I would need to take the minimum 3 traits from Environmental Adaptation category, and 1 trait from the Science and Knowledge category, and then could take up to the maximum for those two, plus up to two from the Genetic Mutation category. Then I take Forbidden Lore via the Forbidden Knowledge Evolutionary Branch as a tier one Trait (I just take it with a level 3 class as a class trait). So then what is the limit on the new category that gets opened up via Forbidden Lore for the faction? Do I just use the limit of 8 traits as the total possible, thus allowing for up to 4 to be taken as faction traits from the Forbidden Knowledge options?
Or can I only take the unlocked options as class traits, not as faction traits at this time?
"So if you were creating a class and wanted to take Forbidden Lore as a class trait, it would open up the sphere/branch for any of your classes to take traits. This does not need to be done in order of creating classes.
So if you were building a Level 3 Humanoid Class and plan on taking Forbidden Lore to open up a branch, the other classes could take those traits if you wish. Its essentially done simultaneously allowing to really customize how you want your classes to be laid out."
So wait, when I'm on "Step 3", making all of my starting Classes, I can take a Trait that gives me Forbidden Lore on a 3rd (or higher) Class and immediately take Traits of the unlocked Branch on other (lower or higher level) Classes, right away?
I thought I had to wait for Progression Awards, this is great news if I'm interpreting this correctly.
Okay got it. Thanks for the thorough explanation!
There are three steps when creating a faction.
Selecting your domain
Selecting Traits for your Faction
Creating Classes.
Taking Forbidden Lore
So if you were creating a class and wanted to take Forbidden Lore as a class trait, it would open up the sphere/branch for any of your classes to take traits. This does not need to be done in order of creating classes.
So if you were building a Level 3 Humanoid Class and plan on taking Forbidden Lore to open up a branch, the other classes could take those traits if you wish. Its essentially done simultaneously allowing to really customize how you want your classes to be laid out.
Faction Traits
As we are doing the Faction Creation in order steps 1,2,3 Forbidden Lore would not allow you to go back and select those additional Faction traits within that branch during creation. If you can take forbidden lore as a faction trait (which in general you can't) you would be able to include the new branch in your faction traits.
Hybrid Traits
There are hybrid traits that in many cases will allow you to do what you are trying to get and grant bonus traits within other domains as faction traits. Forbidden Lore would just then expand upon those hybrid traits later when creating your classes.
Progression- Future Traits
As you progress you are able to take additional Faction Traits within the branch unlocked by Forbidden Lore.