I noticed the entry for the Monstrous Beast ability is ' Monstrous Beast X'. The benefit the Fey Primal tree trait Eternal Monsters (2pts) is "Monstrous Beast", but without an X. Does this mean it is from now on simply allowed to start picking Monster traits? Or is it supposed to give you " Monstrous Beast 1" Like the Monsters Within trait from the humanoid branch Societal and Cultural Adaptations?
> Does the Monstrous Beast have a minimal X, or does it function as an 'unlock' when the given instance doesn't have a value for X?
Abilities with no x value listed should be noted as 1. I will add this the faq section later today.
Its touched on in a previous post type eternal monster in
I think that is a typo to be honest. There are errata's and FAQs on the website. Maybe it's tackled there? And else it'll need an errata in the nearby future... For now I'd treat X as 1 indeed.