I've been looking around for a bit thinking on what to do with my L2 Biests. I initially wanted to pick up Monster4 to make some cool monsters, but then realized that the 4 traits I'd pick would get multipled by 2, probably resulting in a very expensive model.
So instead I look at the baseline of what I had, and decided to read on -what- exactly gets multiplied for the higher Biest classes. Initially it's stated that the base faction/species cost gets multiplied. But at the end (p84), I read that "Only Faction/Species Traits are multiplied when creating classes", which leads me to assume the base kingdom cost isn't actually taken along in the multiplication, since it's not a trait.
Is this assumption correct, or do you still pay your multiples of kingdom cost for higher lv classes (as in Ovis being 8pts for an L1, but 32pts for an L3 due to the x4 multiplier)?
Taking a quick look at the Earthclans from the Core Rules, it appears you do factor in Kingdom base cost when creating higher level classes.