We are the children of the stars, followers of the Great Worm, the Devourer of Worlds and we will spread his word until all know his embrace.
The Cult of the White Worm enjoys a symbiotic/parasitic relationship with the insect like creature they live with. They raise, harvest and let this creature infest them. The cult believes that creatures are related to them as descendents of The Great Worm and through their mutual combination and evolution that they become closer to their god.
This faction consists of big monsters (characters and mounts) powerful heroes and horde-like elements. Classes to follow in subsequent posts.
Unleash the hounds of war!.
Just recieved my my first ever 3D printed miniatures. I must say I am impressed by the detail in them. Hound master is from Avatars of War.
That is awesome!
Looks like some familiar miniatures and quite a few I don't recognize. That looks fun.
2700pts all laid out and ready to go. I will put together a few of the in-house armies as well and get images out.
That's exciting to see.
2700pts before equipment
let’s see everyone’s army!
Fun faction between the Hordes and Monsters. Looks fast as well. Very flexible group of classes so far. Would love to see the Viking Northlanders on the table here. That would be a fun match up.
Level 1 destroyer
ursaidae kingdom
the Destroyers are the first class to show the mutagenic and control of the maggoths. Iniatially of the ursaida. this class has hbeen transformed and taken Over by the maggoth.
Str 4 tough 3 move 3
mar 3 rng 2 def 3
dis 3 wp 3 com 2
mtn 6 rtn 5 mor 6
wds 3 att 2 siz L
wilding 4 pts
ursadae clan 18 pts
mutated appendages +1 att 8 pts
charger 1, claws
34 pts
The infected level 1
the infected are the lowest caste of hybrids existing only to spread the disease.
off base class
str 3 tough 3 mov 3
mar 3 ring 2 def 3
dis 3 wp. 3 com 2
mtn 6 rtn 6 mor 6
wds 1 att 1 sizE m
5 pts blight pustules (from forbidden Lore on the (Level 3 maggot-borne)
15 pts
level 1 BroodMaster
broodmaster raise and train the larval form of the Vermis.
str 3. Tgh 3 Mov 4
mar 3. Rng 2 Def 3
dis 4 Wp 3 Com 2
mtn 6 rtn 7 mor 7
wd 1. Att 1 Size M
primitive warfare -0
Scavenger -0
Wilding 4 pts increase Dis 1
Beast of the Great Hunt 1 pt (war animals)
15 pts ea
Vermis Larvae (war animals) 10 pts
Base Species - vermin 6 pts
str 3. Tgh 3 Mov 3
mar 3. Rng 2 Def 3
dis 3. Wp 3 Com 2
wd 1. Att 1 Size M
primitive warfare -0
Scavenger -0
mutt (str/tgh) -4pts
base cost 10 pts