I am trying to work my way though making my first faction. So asking if I am doing it right. I went with Insekts, sub species of Insecta. I am allowed zero to three Classification and Order so went with Coleoptera (6pts) and Insecta Mobility (3pts) from Insecta Classification, and then Acidic Bite (6pts) from 1st Tier Coleoptera - Insecta Order. I am allowed zero to two Genetic Morphology and went with Inseekt Carapace (3pts) from 1st Tier Exoskeleton - Evolutionary Branch, and Insekt Fast Movement (5pts) from Motion - Evolutionary Branch. For Environmental Adaptation I am allowed zero to two and went with Fierce Insekts (8pts) and Deadly Attacker (16pts) a 1st and 2nd Tier Specialized Natural Weapons (Melee) - Evolutionary Branch. Last I am allowed zero to one from the Infestations, Domination, and Knowledge, I went with Martial Learning (8pts) from Insektoid Specialized Armory - Evolutionary Branch. This give me a base cost of 55 points per model for the basic bug if I am doing my math correct. So did I do this correct, and next I move on to making the actual squads?
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So here is my second try, I am thinking that the units are to expensive, but that is a different question. Are they made correctly, is the question for today.